Mobile Application Development

android application development company

Mobile Application Development

At BLH we develop performance and data intensive apps for any domain or needs ranging from app based appointment booking system to school management systems. We have a niche technical pool of developers well equipped with latest skill sets to develop apps in IOS and Android. We also specialize in mobile based responsive portals. Our App development practice is not just limited to creating fancy UI’s and ease of navigation but also equally focused on secure data storage and retrieval mechanism by using the right encryption methodologies.

We also specialize in integrating the App with on premise data base or cloud based Database and we provide mobile app testing services with all our development packages to ensure client’s need of goto market is very well taken care of. We can develop mobile app products based on customer requirements and needs.

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Working hours

Monday- Saturday : 09:30-18:30 Hrs (Phone until 17:30 Hrs)

We are here

Satellite Building, 4 th floor, Koppikar Road, Hubli – 580020, Karnataka, India.